I think I would have fewer tangents if it weren't for Project Quilting. Thankfully the season is only 6 challenges long, so I will have less distractions soon. (But I have a way of distracting myself with other projects so I don't know if anything will actually improve.) Anyway, here is something
Bigger Than a Breadbox. I was just going to focus on all the projects I had already started, but then I saw
this while scrolling through Facebook, and thought it'd be easy enough to make a small doll quilt. I have lots of 5" squares, picked a few and off I went. The actual quilting isn't my best - the back is quite wrinkly - but I think it's pretty cute. A non-pink heart for Valentine's Day (although I was tempted by some pink and purple .. that may have to happen later).

While basting the blue heart above, I also basted this project too - I finished the top for this table runner before Christmas and now it is all done! It was made from scraps from a quilt that is .. sadly in the UFO pile. All the blocks are done, but it hasn't turned into a top yet. It is on the list to finish for Christmas this year, and hopefully a second Christmas quilt as well - I have a stack of fabric but haven't settled on a pattern yet.
I've kept up with my
Harry Potter quilt until now. Ron here was a little late (typical) and Luna is still in pieces. Her glasses look quite intimidating, so it keeps getting pushed aside. I won't let myself go too much farther without picking up the UFOs and turning them into completed projects. This one is slated for a friend's baby due at the beginning of April so I can't wait much longer!
Speaking of Harry Potter... one of the challenges from Project Quilting this season was
Pixel Play and I had been eyeing this beautiful Hedwig from the
second QAL. Even though I didn't start it until Thursday (and the deadline is always Sunday) I eeked it out just in time. I turned the 12" block into a pillowcase for my friend's birthday and she loved it.
Not a great picture, but my Unicorn mini quilt top is complete. I've got the backing and binding ready, but I haven't been super confident with my basting skills lately so it keeps getting set aside. It is so pretty though, and I had a lot of fun making economy blocks. I may have to hop onto a round of Finish-A-Long so I can be motivated to get more things completed!
Aside from quilting and sewing I've been reading and DRAWING! Look! Oh it feels good to be drawing again. This is Salty, and I'm loving how he's turning out.
And finally, the longest running project on the list - the last of the Squared Away Twilt blocks were completed! (Can't call this one Squared Away because it wasn't originally included.) I ended up doing a second blue pinwheel to bring my total block count to 48. That is a LOT of blocks! Trina finished hers up as well and we both got them in the mail.
All of our blocks. I'm still playing with the layout, and leaning towards a grey sashing with cornerstones. And that border. Did some math - I need over 300 2.5" squares to make a double-wide border. Good thing I've got over 400 cut then! It's going to take a lot of time to get this finished, and with a July deadline I better not put it off for much longer.